Fitflop due mary janes e with an accent mark
Fitflop due mary janes e with an accent mark

fitflop due mary janes e with an accent mark

So I thought to myself, “What if believing that Jesus was there for him really helped him get off drugs, even if Jesus didn’t exist and the whole Christianity thing was a scam?”

fitflop due mary janes e with an accent mark

And then he got into a recovery program and, with the help of Jesus, he claimed that he was made whole and is no longer addicted to drugs. He was once completely absorbed in meth, and, he said, neglected his kids and family.

fitflop due mary janes e with an accent mark

A drug addict-a guy who had taken and manufactured methamphetamine-testified about his recovery. What made me ponder, though, was some stuff said during a break during. (Another caller asked whether it was necessary to pray with your head bowed.) It’s actually quite interesting to hear how deeply people are steeped in their delusion. I listened to all kinds of nonsense, like people calling in and asking if God would still hear their prayers if they called him “Yeshua” (the host said “yes,” that God knows all languages-though I’m not sure what would happen if you called him “Allah” but he was really Yahweh). It’s a production of the Moody Bible Institute, a famous evangelical Christian seminary and educational center in a big building downtown. I usually listen to National Public Radio when I’m doing my Saturday-morning shopping, but the thought of having to hear the oliagenous Krista Tippett sometimes drives me away, and today it drove me to an even more religious station- Moody Radio Chicago.

Fitflop due mary janes e with an accent mark